Centuries have passed, and much has changed. Much progress has been made. Cities have been built, dictators overthrown, social justice reform has progressed, and many other steps of humanity have moved forward in the right direction. In the same breath, we must recognize that many things have not changed. In many areas, progress has not been made.

Theft has somehow always seemed to remain prevalent in our society. Litigation has actually increased, hand in hand, with the overarching threat of liability. These threats have created entire industries just to deal with their presence. These threats and challenges are here to stay, so to survive, we must keep up with the times and do what we can to protect ourselves. Modern protection is in the form of technology. Data protection comes in many forms, and our company can offer all of them as well as custom packages to suit your needs.

Each industry has its own separate sets of rules and requirements. With licensing red tape increasing across all states and industries, many of our preventative measures are not only helpful but, in fact, required to be able to function within certain industry sectors. Some companies can expose themselves to millions of dollars of potential fines or litigation for noncompliance with required data protection measures.

Data Breaches

Each year, data breaches cause thousands of civil suits, governmental litigation, fines, and other measures. This is before even talking about the actual damage caused to a company. Our country thrives on innovation, but one of the reasons this is the case that people have the confidence to innovate, knowing their trade secrets and intellectual property are safe. Without keeping these basic principles safe, we threaten the foundation of our future growth.

The damage caused by data protection, or lack thereof, comes in many forms. Industry competitors can take over your position through knowledge of your next move, how you function and plan a step ahead of you by already knowing your next step in your business path.

Privacy breaches cause a value reduction to brand equity. According to Forbes, almost 1 in 2 organizations with a privacy breach suffer significant damage to the perception of their brand and their market reputation, resulting from that data breach alone. This damage creates a trust problem for the general public, in place clients, and investing parties. A majority of companies who deal with a data breach of any magnitude will see a drop in the perceived trust of that company. Lack of confidence generally results in a loss of existing customers, a reduction in incoming customer flow, and a resulting negative hit to the bottom line of a company.

The reverse effect generally occurs for companies with a consistent track record of data protection. Brand loyalty is built and, eventually, a differentiating factor between you and your competitors.

Protection Measures

Implementing protection measures is easy for us because we are experts, but most people do not know where to start. That is ok because we are here to help. Just as a doctor performs a routine check-up for your health, we will perform an initial evaluation of your data protection’s health, followed by routine and consistent monitoring of the progress of this health. We will suggest a custom set of steps to protect you from outside threats adequately. Please review our other blog write-ups to understand our security capabilities, including entry authentication, data storage, leakage of information prevention, remote controlling, and monitoring capabilities.

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